Sporting Injuries
Common Sporting Injuries
Most sporting injuries are caused by underlying biomechanical abnormalities. The following are common:
Constant lateral ankle sprains
Achilles tendonitis
Anterior knee pain
Constance cracking of joints
Ligament weakness
Unstable running
Shin splints
Big toe soreness
All these conditions have underlying causes, rather than the treatment the symptoms, a cause and etiology must be determined and treated accordingly. A full biomechanical assessment will determine these causes

When the body’s biomechanical system is not functioning normally, the body compensates for the abnormalities. This causes muscle imbalances, tearing of fascias and ligaments, muscle strains, degeneration of cartilage, bone mal-alignment and postural changes.
The use of orthotics is common in treating a wide range of lower limb sporting conditions. The main purpose is to realign the body’s biomechanical structures and correct the musculoskeletal disorders of the lower limb.